To discard any changes you have made, click this button. To make these settings active, click this button. To automatically save changed dictionaries when you exit the program, check this box. To receive a warning and a chance to save your dictionaries, uncheck this box. To automatically change a word after you add its replacement to a dictionary, check this box. To require that you hit the Change button after adding the replacement to a dictionary, uncheck this box. To automatically ignore a flagged word after you add it to a dictionary, check this box. To require that you hit the Ignore button after adding a flagged word to a dictionary, uncheck this box. To display a warning when you try to replace a word with a word that is not in any dictionary, click this button. The second time you try, the replacement will take place. To receive a beep when you try to replace a word with a word that is not in any dictionary, click this button. To not receive a warning when you try to replace a word with a word that is not in any dictionary, click this button.